McGuirk Memorial Fund & Golf Tournament

Golfing 'Fore' A Cure!

Golfing 'Fore' A Cure!
The Vanita McGuirk Award

The Vanita McGuirk Award is an honor bestowed on to its recpients. The award stands for something far greater than any trophy or plaque could ever signify. Vanita McGuirk, also known as "Saint Vanita" to thos close to her, is a woman who is someone that words cannot begin to express. From the way she humbles a room when she speaks too the way she cares to hear those who speak themselves. Although she may be a "saint" in the eyes of many, she has always been able to remain hmble for the life God blessed her with. She is more than couragous as she made it thru one world war, open heart surgery, a broken hip and the hardest of all, raising six children as well as her beautiful grandchildren. Though time may hae been tough, Vanita remained strong. Vanita has a special way of finfing the brighter side of things as "God has a plan for all of us." Knowing how blessed she has been Vanita has always found time and ways to give back. Creating the McGuirk Memorial Annual Golf Tournament was a blessing handed to Vanita, but she doesn't stop there. From church fundraisers too simply lending her car, Vanita always put others before herself and asks for nothing but a smile in return. Vanita McGuirk, takes the time out of her day to stop and turn a chat simply into the deepest and most genuine conversations. It's true that Vanita really has a way of touching your heart and letting you know someone's there for you. Through Vanita's courage, compassion, optimism, faith, and her heart felt actions, became The Vanita McGuirk Award. - McGuirk Memorial Golf
Our Honored Recipients
Mrs. Czerepica
Patty Brennan
Joe McGuire